Recipe Details

tacos para desayuno

Quick And Easy Recipes


    Tacos para Desayuno (Breakfast Tacos — Mexican)

    12 flour tortillas
    4 strips bacon, chopped
    2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
    2/3 cup green chiles, minced
    2/3 cup onions, minced
    2/3 cup potatoes, minced
    3 cloves garlic, minced
    Heaping 1/4 teaspoon salt
    Heaping 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
    1/2 teaspoon Mexican oregano
    8 ounces chorizo
    1 1/4 pounds very lean ground beef
    4 eggs, slightly beaten
    Refried beans (optional)
    1 cup Monterey jack cheese, grated

    Fry the bacon until it is soft. Drain grease and remove bacon to a small dish.

    Heat olive oil in a skillet over moderate heat and add green chiles, onions, potatoes and garlic. Sauté the vegetables until they are well browned, adjusting the heat as necessary, about 8 to 10 minutes, stirring often. You may have to add a little more olive oil to keep the vegetables from sticking.

    Add tomatoes and continue cooking for 3 minutes, stirring often. Add salt, cumin and oregano and cook for 1 minute.

    Add chorizo, breaking it up and stirring it into the vegetables. When the chorizo has browned and released most of its fat, add the ground beef, breaking it up and mixing it with the other ingredients. When the ground beef has browned, add the bacon, cover the skillet, turn the heat to very low, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.

    Add the eggs and continue cooking, stirring constantly, until eggs are well incorporated and set.

    Spoon filling on each tortilla, add some refried beans, if used, top with cheese, and serve with your favorite hot sauce.