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sweetened whipped cream

Healthy Recipes


    Sweetened Whipped Cream (for cakes)

    Posted by Olga at 5/7/02 1:25:28 pm

    All purpose garnish for fancy cakes or homespun desserts. Try the coconut and chocolate variations for a change of pace on angel food or yellow cake.

    2 cups heavy cream, (whipping cream)
    1/2 cup confectioners' sugar (icing sugar)
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    In small bowl with mixer at medium speed, beat cream until soft peaks form; gradually sprinkle in sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, until stiff peaks form. Fold in vanilla extract. Refrigerate until serving time. Yields 4 cups.

    COCONUT WHIPPED CREAM: Prepare as above but substitute 1/2 teaspoon almond extract for vanilla; fold in 1 cup flaked coconut.

    CHOCOLATE WHIPPED CREAM: Prepare as above but mix confectioners' sugar with 1/2 cup cocoa before adding to cream.

    TIP: To stabilize Whipped Cream Frosting, in cup, sprinkle 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin over 2 tablespoons cold water. Place cup over simmering water until gelatin is dissolved, stirring occasionally; cool to lukewarm. Gradually beat into cream before adding sugar.