grand marnier french toast with orange rum sauce

Quick And Easy Recipes


    Grand Marnier French Toast with Orange Rum Sauce

    6 eggs
    2/3 cup orange juice
    1/2 cup Grand Marnier
    1/3 cup milk
    3 tablespoons granulated sugar
    1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon orange peel
    8 (3/4 inch thick) slices French bread
    3 to 4 tablespoons butter
    Confectioners' sugar

    Beat eggs in large bowl. Add orange juice, Grand Marnier, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, salt and peel. Mix well. Dip bread into egg mixture, turning to coat all surfaces. Transfer to baking dish in single layer. Pour any remaining egg mixture over top; cover and refrigerate overnight, turning occasionally (liquid will be absorbed).

    Melt butter in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add bread slices in batches and cook until browned, about 8 minutes. Turn and continue cooking until browned, about 8 minutes. Cut bread diagonally. Arrange on platter and sprinkle with confectioners' sugar.

    Serve immediately with butter and Orange Rum Sauce.

    Orange Rum Sauce
    1 cup granulated sugar
    2/3 cup freshly-squeezed orange juice
    2 tablespoons dark rum
    1 tablespoon Curaçao
    Coarsely grated peel or 1 orange

    Combine sugar and orange juice in small saucepan and bring to boil over low heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Blend in remaining ingredients. Let cool completely. Strain into jar with tight-fitting lid. Refrigerate. Reheat syrup before serving.