Recipe Details

coffee can bread

Healthy Recipes


    Coffee Can Bread

    1 cup milk (heated to 110 degrees F)
    1 package yeast
    2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    2 teaspoons salt
    4 cups flour
    1/4 cup vegetable oil
    2 eggs

    Dissolve yeast in milk. Put 2 cups flour in a bowl and blend in the yeast mixture. Mix in oil, eggs, sugar and salt. Add enough flour so that dough is not sticky. Knead until elastic, but light — about 10 minutes. Press into a greased one-pound coffee can. Put plastic lid on coffee can and let rise for 1 hour (or until lid pops off can). Bake, uncovered, at 375 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.

    Let stand a few minutes, then unmold.