Braised Chicken With a Runner Bean Fricass

Healthy Recipes

    • Vegetable oil to fry
    • 8 chicken thighs
    • 2 banana shallots, finely sliced
    • 8 garlic cloves, finely chopped
    • 225g runner beans, finely sliced
    • 300ml white wine
    • 500ml chicken stock
    • 1 medium tomato
    • 100g peas, defrosted if frozen
    • 2 tbsp crème fraîche
    • Finely grated zest 1 lemon
    • Bunch soft herbs (such as parsley, tarragon, chives and/or coriander)

    Put a large, wide pan over a high heat with a dash of oil, then put the chicken thighs skin-side down in the pan and fry until crisp and golden (about 5 minutes). Lift out onto a plate, add a dash more oil to the pan and cook the shallots for a few minutes until soft. Add the garlic, cook for a minute then deglaze the pan with white wine, scraping up any brown bits stuck to the bottom. Add the runner beans, then arrange the chicken on top, skin-side up. Leave to reduce by half, then pour in the stock and simmer for 30 minutes to gently poach the chicken whilst leaving the skin crisp.

    While the chicken cooks, quarter the tomato and discard the seeds. Dice the tomato quarters into small cubes. Once the chicken has cooked through, remove from the pan once more, then stir in the tomato, peas and crème fraîche to heat through – not too rapidly otherwise the sauce may split. Taste and season with salt and pepper, then stir through the lemon zest and herbs and top with the chicken thighs to serve.