Recipe Details

Aromatic Blossom Butter

Quick And Easy Recipes


    Aromatic Blossom Butter

    1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
        (at room temperature)
    1/4 cup aromatic petals, such as
        rose, violet, pinks, herb flowers and
        other safe-to-eat seasonal flowers 
    1/4 cup or to taste, sweet marjoram, sweet
        basil, thyme or dill (optional)

    Mix butter, petals and marjoram, basil, thyme or dill, if using, until well combined.

    Spread butter mixture to about 1/4- to 1/2-inch thick on flat plate, if cutting into shapes with small cookie cutter. Or mold into small serving container or butter molds. Place in refrigerator to harden.

    Leave in cool place overnight to allow fragrance to permeate butter. Serve on crackers or bread. Makes a scant cup.